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Barbara Kyle, bestselling author of The Thornleigh Saga and The Man From Spirit Creek

The four Scrabble tiles of the Apocalypse


The Scrabble Teacher, as these little demons are called, pops up every time you play a word online. I have more pointed names for them such as, from left to right: DearGod, WellHey, Fabgasm, and YourMother.

DearGod means you have played EVER when you could have played DIVERTED with a V on a double word tile. The Scrabble Teacher is quite disappointed and will be lowering your Elo rating as soon as you have quit the game.

WellHey looks like the greeting of someone you meet for lunch who feels obliged to be there but could no longer put you off. It means you managed to come up with DIVERT but really should have put the extra time in to get that bingo. You know better.

Fabgasm is for the whole bingo. In fact, Fabgasm would like you to post your bingo on Facebook to humiliate your opponent, and is really sorry you declined, but understands you are a classy player.

YourMother pops up when you only came up with VERT. You were distracted by a text message. YourMother says that’s okay because she’s always known you have trouble focusing.